Archives: Industry News


Unlocking the Potential of Diclofenac

Unlocking the Potential of Diclofenac: Breakthrough in Enhancing Permeability Introduction The ability to efficiently overcome skin barriers is critical to the efficacy of topical medication administration. Drug penetration is a major difficulty in assuring the effectiveness of topical medication administration in the skin due to the skin barrier specifically the...
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Akums’ Smartdose Technology

Akums’ Smartdose Technology: Revolutionizing Conventional Tablet Formulations Introduction Patients have a preference for taking medicine orally, and tablets are the most commonly used form of solid oral medication. For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has been exploring ways to improve oral medications, intending to improve their safety and efficacy, leading...
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Akums’ PRIBSYS Technology

Akums’ PRIBSYS Technology: Benefits of Preservative-Free Ophthalmic Formulations Introduction Eye drops are a frequent and successful technique to treat a variety of eye diseases such as glaucoma, dry eye, and allergies. However, many traditional eye drop formulations contain preservatives, which can be harmful to the eye's fragile tissues. This has...
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Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Gummies

Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Gummies: How Akums Offers a Unique Approach Introduction The popularity of nutraceutical-enhanced food has risen as a way to improve regular diets. Typically, nutraceuticals are consumed in the form of tablets and capsules, but these forms are often associated with medical treatment. To improve consumer...
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Advanced Nasal Spray Technology

Enhancing Patient Convenience and Comfort with Akums' Advanced Nasal Spray Technology Introduction Commercially available drugs are typically delivered orally or through injections, but alternate delivery systems are being developed due to low absorption and first-pass metabolism. The pharmaceutical industry is now interested in the nasal route for delivering low molecular...
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